Pink Fire Pointer Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces

New or Vintage?
You tell me - Nicole Kidman is a vintage fan and has a vintage collection.
So is this dress she wore last night real or vintage?

Anne Hathaway wore this gold sequined Vivianne Westwood dress a day or two ago.

Do you like?

Vivienne is a true legend - she opened her first shop back in 1969 with Malcolm McLaren, manager of the Sex Pistols. She is one hell of a woman too - one day I am going to write a long blog post on her. She was (and still is) focused on street culture and fashion WAYYYYY before it was even a marketing term. She is also has the odd privilege of being one of the only designers whose vintage pieces have been faked en masse and to great profit. Like a big clothing roll out of fake Louis Vuittons. Read this and have something cool to say at your next cocktail party.

The silhouette Anne is wearing is all classic Vivienne - some of you will hate it - but her fans love it. When you wear a Westwood dress you KNOW you are wearing a Westwood dress. Why fix what isn't broken?

One of our fave vintage girls - Nicole Ritchie is in London to launch her new line Winter Kate, wearing a chiffon dress form her line paired with opaque tights and a hat. Winter Kate is a full line of apparel and is described as having a "vintage yet classic aesthetic. The collection is inspired by timeless prints and shapes, beautiful paisley and florals"
Jump here to peek at bits of it on her website.
Like Kate Moss, it seems Nicole has taken to going through her personal collection of vintage treasures for "inspiration".
What do you guys think of this?

Personally, I think all these "vintage inspired" lines are fun, but they if a girl wants to know that she is the only girl who will be wearing a dress in the room - well then, stick to shopping for vintage with moi.