Pink Fire Pointer March 2010

The Halston Event

I was invited to the big SJP visit for the launch of the new Halston Heritage line at The Bay. It was a lot of fun and it gave me the chance to wear a few vintage Halston Pieces from my own personal archives - you know me - any excuse to throw on some sequins or a maxi and I am there!

I was the date of my gorgeous friend Nathalie Atkinson and she is the bestest of dates - making sure I met everyone and generally being the perfect partner in crime!

Getting ready in the hotel room - I am wearing a vintage sequin Halston dress as a coat over a black jersey vintage Halston dress. I carried a Halston vintage snakeskin clutch (you can see it in one of the pictures below) and the shoes are ages ago Miu Miu's. When I saw the pics from the event I actually wished I had gone with a different shoe but c'est la vie.

This is a shot of Sarah Jessica Parker with the big wigs of the evening. That is Bonnie Tahkhar in the sequin jacket on the far right. She is the nicest woman I have ever met! She actually dragged me through the crowd to meet Sarah Jessica Parker and I was moments from a big meet and greet but SJP was being interviewed and then the next moment she was gone. Honestly, it was a bigger thrill for me to meet Bonnie (not that you are not lovely Sarah Jessica) but I had read about Bonnie and Tamara Mellon (Bonnie is one of the originals form Jimmy Choo) and it her story is fascinating. I was quite enamored to be in her presence and wanted to drag her off with a couple of martinis and spend a few hours learning all her business secrets! Local business powerhouse, Bonnie Brooks, the new CEO of The Bay and the woman responsible for the huge fashion transformation The Bay has taken, is on her right. I have a funny story about accidentally asking Bonnie to hold my drink before I realized who she was (innocently BTW - it was moments before I was to be photo'd with SJP and I have learned that photographers hate when you have a drink in your hand and I was flustered and panicked). Soooo, I might have accidentally stuck my society shod foot in my non-society little butt, hence ruining my chances of getting Shrimpton Couture into The Room forever. Let's just hope she really did have the sense of humor she seemed to have when we shared a laugh about it later. And if not, then, oh well. I am what I am.

SO instead of meeting her this is my own best shot of the night of her
les terrible

Here's a proper media snapshot of SJP looking gorgeous to make up for the above

The brilliant Flare editor Lisa Tant. I love this picture of them.
Lisa you look amazing here!

Another gratuitous SJP shot for her fans

This was the thrill of my evening right here - this my little vintage fashionistas is moi with the fabulous Wayne Clark! I almost passed out when Nat introduced me. I have a few of his pieces from the 1970s on the site right now. Do I look like a gushing teenage fan? Yep I do and its OK! I was beyond thrilled! He is still designing and his line is in The Room now and its gorgeous! So if you are a fan you know where to go now - to me or to The Room!. But come to me first of course *wink*

After the big cocktail shing-ding at The Bay, Nathalie and I scooted to the after event for a few minutes. I really just went so I could change and wear another Halston piece. For this I wore a chocolate one shoulder Halston spiral cut gown, a black 1970s Yves Ste Laurent cape, YSL Tribute sandals and I borrowed one of Anita Quansah's spectacular pieces! Nathalie looked downtown cool in rolled jeans, the coolest brogues and a fantastic vintage gold coat that I wanted to steal right off her that night and take home with me! (This is another of those wonderful blurry Iphone shots My Guy is so well known for)

A very dark photo in the club. I so loved this neckpiece!
it got scooped up just after this though. So it is now with its proper girl.

It was a terrific evening and I think the new Halston Heritage line will do well. Especially with so many piece of it in the new SATC movie debuting this summer. I love Halston so I am fine with having a whole new crop of girls becoming fans.

I will say now and forever though, the originals from Mr. Halston himself, will always be the pieces that make my heart sing.

PS there was a bit of press from the event and being new blood I made the cut!

This is one of the pieces

I ended up with a picture in the Globe & Mail,
The Toronto Star & was in the Toronto Life party pages!

Fashion Snapshots

(see who that is behind me? It's Ben Mulroney - he's super nice too - must be a Canadian thing)

I know I still owe you guys a post about the Halston event - I have just been swamped. I am going to post this quick pic that Fashion Magazine has up on their blog though. This is what I wore to the Greta Constantine show. Its vintage 1970s Galanos, YSL Tributes, a vintage Hermes red leather clutch and I have an armful of red Hermes bangles - new & vintage. I topped it with a brown and white lightweight jacket that was the same length as the dress and on the dress I had a slew of blue stoned rhinestone vintage brooches (hence the blue shoes). It is still OK with the shoes on their own but I should have thought it out better for when I removed the jacket. It's always weird to see pics of yourself after an event. I tell my clients to always take a photo BEFORE they step out the door but then never remember for myself because I am invariably running behind OR I am dressing in a hotel, so am stuck with what I brought, even if I have a last minute change of heart.

The show itself was wonderful. I was seriously impressed with the Greta Constantine line for women this season. Draped, easy to wear, spectacular dresses. Check out the coverage on Fashion Magazine here and I would also hop to the Flare site too for their coverage - Lisa Tant, editor of Flare, was my seatmate and hook-up for the show.

(thank you Lisa- you're the best!!)

Lisa had these fabulous Moschino shoes she had just picked up in Italy (that's the link to her Blog on and everyone kept coming up to her and asking her where she had bought them. Gotta love a fellow shoe girl.

And that handsome guy in the middle?
That is My Guy, who crashed front row his first show.
Looks rather smug there no?

This morning's NEW items

1990s Emilio Pucci Top

I also re-did the photos for two other dresses. I think they were over-looked but the new photos really make them shine! If you take the time to jump you will also see them on Meghan - one of the newest Shrimpton Couture house models!

New Obsession

Only Jean Paul Gaultier could take the iconic,
classic Hermes Kelly bag and make it seem the the
newest freshest it bag by covering it in studs.

Albeit, its a ghastly expensive perfect bag one BUT it is perfection!

The Studded Kelly - I am in full tilt lust for you


This photo pf Model Ragnhild Jevne in the latest Velvet spread

Here is the rest of the editorial




images from refinery29.c0m

Thank you to the Toronto Star!

Click here to read the Toronto Star write up on the Halston Heritage event at The Bay, by Toronto fashion writer Derick Chetty. Yours truly was quoted and if you click the link for the pictures you can see what I wore - all vintage Halston!
(except for the shoes - those where Miu Miu)
I told them I had to be made taller and skinnier
(its in my contract)
but alas the fine print was missed
Thank you for including me in the article Derick - it was terrific to meet you too!

(will post more on the event soon - I promise)

New in the SHop

Sorry its been a bit since my last update peeps. I have been really busy (out having fun) and at the same time I had a series of annoying events happen behind the scenes that caused me to feel like it was not as fun for a few days. I know this is a business but its also my passion and sometimes dealing with the drama of other people in business makes you question just what you are doing it all for. But then I remembered - THE FABULOUS CLOTHES


Here's the new stuff just posted - hope you like it


1970s Bill Tice Floral & Lace Set

Susie + Shrimpton = Spring

Back in December, I happened to read a post by Susie, author of the Style Bubble on kimonos and her quest to find one. For some reason that post stuck with me and every once in a while I would have a thought that I had one that would work on her. It just sat there in the back of my thoughts waiting for me to catch up and clue in. Roll time ahead to about 6 weeks ago when I had one of those proverbial ah ha moments where that back of the mind thoughts and I met & shook hands and it clicked into place just which packed away, stashed away, kimono had been there waiting in my mind's "inventory" of goodies as the perfect match for a girl like Susie.

I tweeted Susie that same day and asked her to send me her mailing address and by day's end her vintage kimono went off on its merry way, over the seas and into her stylish hands.

And just look at what she did with it!

Susie you look fantastic and I love how you styled the kimono and did not just throw it over basic black (which is what a lesser force like me would be tempted to do)!

A lot of people get a little lost on how to incorporate something like a kimono into their daily life (it is a string look to be sure) and I think you have done a wonderful, striking job!

Jump here to see the full post and more pics!

All Bow to the Queen(s)

One of my personal vintage queens and heroine's
the great and stunning Zandra Rhodes
dressed to meet a queen last night

Which she actually did do

Here she is at last night's meet and greet with the actual Queen of England, in a mixer to celebrate the British Clothing Industry.

Oh Zandra how I love thee for your stanch stand to remain a flamboyant, joyful, individual in a world of fashion clones!


Had insanely good time at the Halston Heritage launch event for The Bay in Toronto.
Come back tomorrow for the lowdown and pics!

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

Ocean - for sure ocean - and I would rather go snorkeling then swim :-)

Ask me anything

Celebrity Vintage Spot - Lady Gaga

In her latest video for her new (and I am sure soon-to-be hit song) Telephone with Beyonce, Lady Gaga opts for this fantastic Thierry Mugler vintage hat and suit.


Congrats to my fellow bloggers

In this month's issue of Vogue be sure to check out the story on some of my stellar fellow fashion bloggers. The bloggers featured include Red Carpet Fashion Awards, an invaluable resource to scoop the the story on what a star was wearing, Bryanboy who is just one of my fave bloggers and fellow tweeters, Tommy Ton of Jak & Jill a daily stop for some of the best fashion photography out there, Todd Selby of The Selby another daily stop for a peek at peoples homes and lives, Yvan Rodic of Facehunter - just go you will love, Garance Dore who take the most amazing pictures - and she cracks me up too, Hanneli Mustaparta whose blog you will be addicted to in about two seconds, Mary Tomer of Mrs O whom I did not read before as I had not yet discovered it and Michelle Phan who runs beauty tutorials on her YouTube page - another new discovery and one worth checking out - serious I popped over and was astounded!

Congratulations to all of you!
I cannot even imagine how exciting it must have been!

How many Hermes bags do you own? I saw you mention something about a Birkin.

I do have a Birkin - both a black and a tan one! I have a small collection of Hermes bags that I have accumulated over the years - most are vintage and I love that about then - they have the scruffs and nicks of age & earned patina! I think I have about 8ish or so. I love them becasue they are always appropriate and you can never go wrong when you add them to an outfit!

Ask me anything

Celebrity Vintage Spot - Marissa Tomei

Rocking a classic beaded vintage Halston gown at the Vanity Fair party. Thank GOD someone finally chose vintage - holy NON vintage Oscar season this year. Maybe that is why everyone is complaining it was the dullest dress event yet? Hmmmmmmmm?

You're super chic. More outfit posts! :)

I am trying lol. I am old school so its hard for me to get into the habit of carrying about my Iphone and using it mid-event. Still seems to be a social no no. Never mind a full on camera :)

Ask me anything

Can you post more outfits posts please?

EEEEK I knew someone was going to bring this up. and therefore out me in that I ALWAYS promise to do more and then never do. Its terribly intimidating but I will try to do more of that. I think I am dreadfully dull compared to some of the insanely chic girls out there!

Ask me anything

How HOT is .....

Diane Von Furstenberg?

image courtesy of coco perez

Any recommendations for inspirational books on vintage fashion?

ohh good question! I have a bit of a library! Some of my faves: Halston by elaine gross & fred rottman, Lanvin by Dean Merceron, Ossie Clark by Judith Watts, The golden age of couture Claire Wilcox, American Fashion - that one is published by Assouline ....that's just a few! I have a pretty big library - I am VERY pro-book - buy em peeps!

Ask me anything

Best advice you have ever been given?

To be true to yourself! The most amazing people I have ever met or known are always the ones whose "trueness" and selves shine through like beacons. You are you for a reason - respect that and share it!

Ask me anything

Jewels Jewels Jewels

Grab em while you can!
Three more fabulousious pieces from The Glamourai have just arrived in shop!

Which cities do you think have the best vintage sources or stores?

I actually prefer the odd out of the way places. If you go to the big urban centers - New Yor, LA or Paris for example - you will definitely find amazing, fantastic items BUT you will pay a big premium. Its just expensive to do business there and everyone is pretty vintage savvy so you might find things to be pricey. Doesn't stop me from buying what I want BUT it is something to keep in mind. Most of my pieces come from private collections :-)

Ask me anything

New In the Shop - Three fabulous pieces!