I was invited to the big SJP visit for the launch of the new Halston Heritage line at The Bay. It was a lot of fun and it gave me the chance to wear a few vintage Halston Pieces from my own personal archives - you know me - any excuse to throw on some sequins or a maxi and I am there!
I was the date of my gorgeous friend Nathalie Atkinson and she is the bestest of dates - making sure I met everyone and generally being the perfect partner in crime!
I was the date of my gorgeous friend Nathalie Atkinson and she is the bestest of dates - making sure I met everyone and generally being the perfect partner in crime!

This is a shot of Sarah Jessica Parker with the big wigs of the evening. That is Bonnie Tahkhar in the sequin jacket on the far right. She is the nicest woman I have ever met! She actually dragged me through the crowd to meet Sarah Jessica Parker and I was moments from a big meet and greet but SJP was being interviewed and then the next moment she was gone. Honestly, it was a bigger thrill for me to meet Bonnie (not that you are not lovely Sarah Jessica) but I had read about Bonnie and Tamara Mellon (Bonnie is one of the originals form Jimmy Choo) and it her story is fascinating. I was quite enamored to be in her presence and wanted to drag her off with a couple of martinis and spend a few hours learning all her business secrets! Local business powerhouse, Bonnie Brooks, the new CEO of The Bay and the woman responsible for the huge fashion transformation The Bay has taken, is on her right. I have a funny story about accidentally asking Bonnie to hold my drink before I realized who she was (innocently BTW - it was moments before I was to be photo'd with SJP and I have learned that photographers hate when you have a drink in your hand and I was flustered and panicked). Soooo, I might have accidentally stuck my society shod foot in my non-society little butt, hence ruining my chances of getting Shrimpton Couture into The Room forever. Let's just hope she really did have the sense of humor she seemed to have when we shared a laugh about it later. And if not, then, oh well. I am what I am.
SO instead of meeting her this is my own best shot of the night of her
les terrible

les terrible

it got scooped up just after this though. So it is now with its proper girl.
It was a terrific evening and I think the new Halston Heritage line will do well. Especially with so many piece of it in the new SATC movie debuting this summer. I love Halston so I am fine with having a whole new crop of girls becoming fans.
I will say now and forever though, the originals from Mr. Halston himself, will always be the pieces that make my heart sing.
PS there was a bit of press from the event and being new blood I made the cut!
This is one of the pieces