Pink Fire Pointer Fashion Snapshots

Fashion Snapshots

(see who that is behind me? It's Ben Mulroney - he's super nice too - must be a Canadian thing)

I know I still owe you guys a post about the Halston event - I have just been swamped. I am going to post this quick pic that Fashion Magazine has up on their blog though. This is what I wore to the Greta Constantine show. Its vintage 1970s Galanos, YSL Tributes, a vintage Hermes red leather clutch and I have an armful of red Hermes bangles - new & vintage. I topped it with a brown and white lightweight jacket that was the same length as the dress and on the dress I had a slew of blue stoned rhinestone vintage brooches (hence the blue shoes). It is still OK with the shoes on their own but I should have thought it out better for when I removed the jacket. It's always weird to see pics of yourself after an event. I tell my clients to always take a photo BEFORE they step out the door but then never remember for myself because I am invariably running behind OR I am dressing in a hotel, so am stuck with what I brought, even if I have a last minute change of heart.

The show itself was wonderful. I was seriously impressed with the Greta Constantine line for women this season. Draped, easy to wear, spectacular dresses. Check out the coverage on Fashion Magazine here and I would also hop to the Flare site too for their coverage - Lisa Tant, editor of Flare, was my seatmate and hook-up for the show.

(thank you Lisa- you're the best!!)

Lisa had these fabulous Moschino shoes she had just picked up in Italy (that's the link to her Blog on and everyone kept coming up to her and asking her where she had bought them. Gotta love a fellow shoe girl.

And that handsome guy in the middle?
That is My Guy, who crashed front row his first show.
Looks rather smug there no?