Pink Fire Pointer Susie + Shrimpton = Spring

Susie + Shrimpton = Spring

Back in December, I happened to read a post by Susie, author of the Style Bubble on kimonos and her quest to find one. For some reason that post stuck with me and every once in a while I would have a thought that I had one that would work on her. It just sat there in the back of my thoughts waiting for me to catch up and clue in. Roll time ahead to about 6 weeks ago when I had one of those proverbial ah ha moments where that back of the mind thoughts and I met & shook hands and it clicked into place just which packed away, stashed away, kimono had been there waiting in my mind's "inventory" of goodies as the perfect match for a girl like Susie.

I tweeted Susie that same day and asked her to send me her mailing address and by day's end her vintage kimono went off on its merry way, over the seas and into her stylish hands.

And just look at what she did with it!

Susie you look fantastic and I love how you styled the kimono and did not just throw it over basic black (which is what a lesser force like me would be tempted to do)!

A lot of people get a little lost on how to incorporate something like a kimono into their daily life (it is a string look to be sure) and I think you have done a wonderful, striking job!

Jump here to see the full post and more pics!