Pink Fire Pointer We (vicariously) made the Net-A-Porter Magazine!

We (vicariously) made the Net-A-Porter Magazine!

An eagle eye client sent me the link to a recent Net-A-Porter magazine and there in the pages is one of our favorite vintage loving girls - Susie, the print mixing mistress herself and author of the uber blog Style Bubble. The spotted her and used her as an example of print mixing and there she is looking gorgeous in her Shrimpton Couture vintage kimono!

Here is the full page from their magazine! Link here if you want to see the rest of this issue!

I just blogged about spotting her in this piece a few days ago here and had blogged about it way back when it was sent to her here. Love seeing the different ways you can mix it up!


Another eagle eyed reader spotted Susie in another spot of the magazine! Here she is again layering her look with a jacket over the kimono!

And if I can brag a little on her behalf she is in this issue for deserved accolades on being one of the best dressed girls out there!