Pink Fire Pointer Cravings


Have recently developed this crazy craving for an over-the-top coat - feathers or piles of ruffles or something... not sure till I see it but I imagine me in something like this one in the picture above. Paired with heels (of course) and big ass sunnies. Les sigh - if only we had those replicator machines of the future that seemed to be the mainstay in the sci fi flicks of the past. I could just pop this picture in and BAM - out would come the coat, with any modifications specified of course.

The joy and despair of vintage is that when you see a picture of the perfect piece and develop a lust for said piece, you might find it tomorrow; it might be tucked in the depths of your closet already; or it might take years and years to find......even for a girl who has racks and racks like I do. The search never really ends for the truly fantastic pieces does it?

Wish me good vintage karma girls, that maybe, just maybe, I will find that elusive coat that I don't quite know what it looks like yet, but I will when I see it - this season!

Photo from