Here is another celebrity vintage spot that I am behind on posting.
Natalia Vodianova wore this spectacular Fortuny to the 2009 British Fashion Awards.
Natalia is know for having quite the collection of Fortuny's. I posted about this one that met a more disastrous end.
Funny story - that post was tagged by some big new agency and sat atop their main story broad for months and I was flooded by people leaving the NASTIEST comments about children dying and people suffering and how dare I post that this was a tragedy when there where so many more important things in life. True btw but Holy get a life people right back.
This is a fashion blog
I am supposed to be shallow
like Duh
Anyway, no mishaps to this gorgeous blue off shoulder version, so I might be safe this time from all the people lined up to put me firmly in my place.
(tough job that and long line too - hope you brought snacks)

Natalia Vodianova wore this spectacular Fortuny to the 2009 British Fashion Awards.
Natalia is know for having quite the collection of Fortuny's. I posted about this one that met a more disastrous end.
Funny story - that post was tagged by some big new agency and sat atop their main story broad for months and I was flooded by people leaving the NASTIEST comments about children dying and people suffering and how dare I post that this was a tragedy when there where so many more important things in life. True btw but Holy get a life people right back.
This is a fashion blog
I am supposed to be shallow
like Duh
Anyway, no mishaps to this gorgeous blue off shoulder version, so I might be safe this time from all the people lined up to put me firmly in my place.
(tough job that and long line too - hope you brought snacks)