I was going to do a post on welcoming Louise Black but my e-friend Denise, writer extraordinaire of The Swelle Life blog, did such a lovely job covering the new collection that I am going to take the liberty of copying her post here for you all to see!
I am REALLY excited to welcome Louise to the Shrimpton family - her items are unbelieveable - if oyu think they look good in the photos wait till your piece arrives in the mail! There are some HUGE thiings coming up for Louise that I am sworn to secrecy on but trust me - this girl is ging to be BIG. Buy her now while you can get it!
June 29, 2009
Louise Black's Victorian Beauties for Shrimpton Couture
My favourite vintage shop, Shrimpton Couture, has embarked on an exciting venture and enlisted the talents of a handful of carefully chosen independent accessories designers to create one-of-a-kind capsule collections for the boutique. Each is known for using special vintage materials that befit their own unique style and their creations are the perfect complement to the outstanding collection of vintage and reworked clothing that Shrimpton Couture offers.
The latest set of adornments comes courtesy of Louise Black whose richly detailed Victorian pieces favour delicate vintage laces and fringe and exquisite beadwork. The story goes that Courtney Love - a client of both Louise and Shrimpton Couture - suggested the two collaborate!
The latest set of adornments comes courtesy of Louise Black whose richly detailed Victorian pieces favour delicate vintage laces and fringe and exquisite beadwork. The story goes that Courtney Love - a client of both Louise and Shrimpton Couture - suggested the two collaborate!
How I missed posting on the recent collection from The Glamourai I have no idea because I was completely smitten at first glance with her latest. It was influenced by the Sofia Coppola film Marie Antoinette and certainly captured the decadent, feminine styling at its best. My favourite piece went before it was even in the shop due to a frenzied reaction to a preview, so it's now with a lucky owner but I'm going to show it anyway:
However, somehow this piece is still available and is equally as luscious:
And a little something for the wrist, perhaps?
Modelled by The Glamourai herself along with another stunning
neckpiece that got snapped up immediately
Watch the Shrimpton Couture boutique for two more mouthwatering jewelry collections arriving soon. And fashion fans won't want to miss the Shrimpton Couture interview for Herald de Paris in which Norma Kamali answers questions from twitterers (tweeters? I'm not sure) including one from Yours Truly about the future of vintage.
You can read the article here
You can read the article here