I asked the designer behind the Simone's Rose Vintage Gold Label to do a crop of dresses using black vintage kimono fabrics and man did she come through - these are utterly fantastic. Seriously, if you even have a teeny thought that they look good in the pictures - they are beyond in person!
Gorgeous Client Post - Joey at her Prom!
Meet Joey - a gorgeous girl who is dating the son of friends of My Guy and I. She contacted me to ask if I could help her find a dress for her prom and liked this one but wanted to try a few to make sure it was
"the one"

After an afternoon of trying on pretty dresses and taking snapshots to make sure each looked as good in a picture as it did in the mirror her first instinct was right and this was indeed the dress she close!
(PLEASE do this little trick before you go out to important events girls - it will save you grief and heartbreak and a case of the - why did I wear that - in fact I do believe cameras in cell phones where invented for just that purpose - I swear I read that somewhere *wink*)
People always underestimate the ability of these little 1970s poly jersey dresses to be able to go out for full out formal and glamorous events. They need a real girl in them to show off their true potential.
Doesn't she look gorgeous?
"the one"

After an afternoon of trying on pretty dresses and taking snapshots to make sure each looked as good in a picture as it did in the mirror her first instinct was right and this was indeed the dress she close!
(PLEASE do this little trick before you go out to important events girls - it will save you grief and heartbreak and a case of the - why did I wear that - in fact I do believe cameras in cell phones where invented for just that purpose - I swear I read that somewhere *wink*)
People always underestimate the ability of these little 1970s poly jersey dresses to be able to go out for full out formal and glamorous events. They need a real girl in them to show off their true potential.
Doesn't she look gorgeous?
(I made her borrow the clutch she has in the pictures - it was above the allotted budget but it had to go to the prom too! if you love it -
its going up on the site this week!)
its going up on the site this week!)
Lilly Allen in Biba!

Oh how I love to see a celebrity rock their Ossie Clark errrr Biba frock!
(This is why one should never blog first thing in the morning before one has had at least 2 coffees. One of my followers on Twitter has let me know that this is in fact a vintage BIBA, NOT an Ossie Clark. Ironically now that I am more awake I not only recognize it as such but I actually have its twin in black in my archives - feel free to laugh at me in the comments - goes to show you no one is immune to moments of idiocracy)
I especially love that side shot where you can really get an idea of how fabulous those tightly cuffed - insanely long button sleeves go up the arm before they billow out into intoxicating fullness! My only teeeny tiny stylist voice that is wayyyy at the back of my head is saying - Lilly that bust is a tad too tight but I will forgive her - it's not like she can have one of her people run to the shop and exchange it after all! I also would have worn a lighter looking shoe with this so just the dress was allowed to shine center stage, however its saved by the length of the dress and the fabulous, romantic up-do!
AnOssie Biba celebrity vintage spot is always a fantastic one to see!
(This is why one should never blog first thing in the morning before one has had at least 2 coffees. One of my followers on Twitter has let me know that this is in fact a vintage BIBA, NOT an Ossie Clark. Ironically now that I am more awake I not only recognize it as such but I actually have its twin in black in my archives - feel free to laugh at me in the comments - goes to show you no one is immune to moments of idiocracy)
I especially love that side shot where you can really get an idea of how fabulous those tightly cuffed - insanely long button sleeves go up the arm before they billow out into intoxicating fullness! My only teeeny tiny stylist voice that is wayyyy at the back of my head is saying - Lilly that bust is a tad too tight but I will forgive her - it's not like she can have one of her people run to the shop and exchange it after all! I also would have worn a lighter looking shoe with this so just the dress was allowed to shine center stage, however its saved by the length of the dress and the fabulous, romantic up-do!
Found your take on Alma's book. If you want to know what became of her, go here http://www.jimnolt.com/REALMANOFSTEELP6.htm Regards, Greg McCollum
That is fantastic! How wonderful of you to share! Thank you!!
Our Own Little Glamourai Rules!
Unless you live under a rock you MUST know by now that Shrimpton's own little GlamourGirl Kelly - uber designer behind the can't-keep-it-in-the-shop, The Glamourai line, has recently designed a fabulous handbag for COACH!
Kelly and three other bloggers all participated in the great little project and their handiwork was so fabulous that TEEN VOGUE deemed it newsworthy enough to do a full feature on the girls. Our Kelly is front and center with a full page dedicated just to her!
i am so proud of Kelly!
Please join me in happy dances and hugs!
{ click any page to view a zoom-able version! }
PS Now that she is famous you better grab her pieces while you can
shop here
Expect lots of vintage....

In the new SATC film due out soon, here is Kim Catrall looking decidedly retro in whatever this scene is for.
All fab pieces yes, but this does serve to show you the possible error in dressing vintage head to toe. A modern girl should change out that bag and add current shoes and voila - the entire look is changed. Or keep the bag and add new shoes and ditch the hat (which I love by the way - don't blast me in the comments- am TOTALLY pro hat).
Hell just change those damn granny ass shoes!
All fab pieces yes, but this does serve to show you the possible error in dressing vintage head to toe. A modern girl should change out that bag and add current shoes and voila - the entire look is changed. Or keep the bag and add new shoes and ditch the hat (which I love by the way - don't blast me in the comments- am TOTALLY pro hat).
Hell just change those damn granny ass shoes!
I know its for a movie so does not really count fashion wise, but it is a good styling example. She does look hot in that retro hair and make-up though!
One of my savvy readers is correct 0 this is actually a still from ANOTHER project Kim is filming - called Any Human Heart (who knew they did other movies? Its hard to remember that with the onslaught DELUGE of SATC promos, no?) Even if its a period costume for the film - the above rules still apply
One of my savvy readers is correct 0 this is actually a still from ANOTHER project Kim is filming - called Any Human Heart (who knew they did other movies? Its hard to remember that with the onslaught DELUGE of SATC promos, no?) Even if its a period costume for the film - the above rules still apply
kim Catrall,
Chanel Sunshine & Karl Lagerfeld
It was with great envy that I have been reading the reviews and posts from some of the people in attendance at the Chanel resort collection. It looks to not only have been a fantastic display of gorgeous clothes but it looks like it was FUN too.
The show has a definite 60s-70s influence on it.
Enough so that one has to wonder if Karl is feeling nostalgic?
Whatever the reason this collection had some pieces that I am seriously thinking of investing in. I have listed my favorites from the show and they are posted from the end of the show to the beginning - for me its the last few pieces in this list of photos that really do it for me like
........that caftan?
If you look reaallyyyyy close I am sure there is a
"made for Cherie" label in it, no?

Huge Update & Welcome to Alex

I recently bit the bullet and officially have hired Alexandra
(or Alex as we call her round here)
and she is now here two full days a week.
That means I actually have to be ready for her
(so who is working for who? really?)
She will be helping to get things posted on the site and get a newsletter sent out on a regular basis, and eventually we will also work together to do some of the more fun events and projects I have been plotting and planning for some time. It's definitely a much needed addition - the proof is in the pudding as they say (though who did say that and what the heck does that mean), as a record twelve new items have been posted today!
Go peek!
And please give Alex an official Shrimpton cyber hug of welcomes!
and she is now here two full days a week.
That means I actually have to be ready for her
(so who is working for who? really?)
She will be helping to get things posted on the site and get a newsletter sent out on a regular basis, and eventually we will also work together to do some of the more fun events and projects I have been plotting and planning for some time. It's definitely a much needed addition - the proof is in the pudding as they say (though who did say that and what the heck does that mean), as a record twelve new items have been posted today!
Go peek!
And please give Alex an official Shrimpton cyber hug of welcomes!
New Items
Celebrity Vintage Spot - Kristin Davis

If you can't dress up all proper and lady-like like there, then where could you find another excuse to wear an exquisite gown like this?
Well played Kristin!
vintage or new?
do you have any images of Schiap's glass dress?
Do you mean the "glass cape"? I mention it here http://shrimptoncouture.blogspot.com/2009/05/elsa-schiaparelli.html but can't find a picture - maybe my readers can help? I was not aware there was a dress as well! How fabulous - someone must have a picture somewhere!
Hello! I was wondering if you take interns? I would love a chance to work with you and learn from you!
hi! I do have interns now - in fact I just hired Alex who started out as an intern. You have to be near by - contact me through the contact button on the site!
On the Met Gala
One of the best pictorial coverage is at the Red Carpet Fashion Awards
There are PAGES of every dress and she also features a ton of girls that did not land on a lot of the bigger mainstream summaries of the event. Just go hop over there to see all the pics and find out who wore what. She did a far better job than I could do!
The theme this year was the American Woman and I have to say that I don't think that this theme was given its proper due by the attendees. If you read the little blurb on style.com before jumping straight the pictures you would have seen this:
The theme this year was the American Woman and I have to say that I don't think that this theme was given its proper due by the attendees. If you read the little blurb on style.com before jumping straight the pictures you would have seen this:
The Metropolitan Museum's Costume Institute benefit was all about stateside roots this year, celebrating as it did the opening of American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity. Proceedings inside had a turn-of-the-century feel, with wicker chairs at the dinner tables and a hot-air balloon inspired by one from the 1893 Chicago World's Fair looming over the Great Hall.
and if you hop over to the MET's site the intro to the actual exhibit is this
American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity is the first Costume Institute exhibition drawn from the newly established Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at the Met. It will explore developing perceptions of the modern American woman from 1890 to 1940 and how they have affected the way American women are seen today. Focusing on archetypes of American femininity through dress, the exhibition will reveal how the American woman initiated style revolutions that mirrored her social, political, and sexual emancipation. "Gibson Girls," "Bohemians," and "Screen Sirens," among others, helped lay the foundation for today's American woman.
American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity is the first Costume Institute exhibition drawn from the newly established Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at the Met. It will explore developing perceptions of the modern American woman from 1890 to 1940 and how they have affected the way American women are seen today. Focusing on archetypes of American femininity through dress, the exhibition will reveal how the American woman initiated style revolutions that mirrored her social, political, and sexual emancipation. "Gibson Girls," "Bohemians," and "Screen Sirens," among others, helped lay the foundation for today's American woman.
So, one would have thought you would have seen some fabulous examples of the period and a huge representation of American Designers, no?
Sadly, no
There were very few dresses that really paid homage to the theme and there was certainly not a single original piece from this era to be found. Yes, there were some that you can point to that had definite influence from the past but it seems that the Gala has become, well, a regular old Gala. The dresses were lovely and appropriate to be sure, but where was the girl brave enough to make the STAND.
To pay true homage to the theme of the event?
Anne Hathaway's dress was reminiscent of times past but was a Valentino -
lovely but decidedly not an American designer
Sadly, no
There were very few dresses that really paid homage to the theme and there was certainly not a single original piece from this era to be found. Yes, there were some that you can point to that had definite influence from the past but it seems that the Gala has become, well, a regular old Gala. The dresses were lovely and appropriate to be sure, but where was the girl brave enough to make the STAND.
To pay true homage to the theme of the event?

lovely but decidedly not an American designer
Last year's theme was the Super Hero - remember Anna Wintour got the proverbial nation-wide dis for her Superhero themed outfit? Maybe seeing the most powerful editor in the world scared everyone's La Perla panties into huge knots of anxiety over similar treatment so they decided to play it safe?
Except for, of course, Kate Perry, but her lit-up-from-within dress was just a statement on it's own, NOT a statement on the Gala's theme.
Maybe it's just a reflection of our present day media scrutiny.
We live in an age where every time a girl steps out into public there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, lurkers, waiting to dissect every inch of what a girl chooses to wear and thanks to the anonymity of the internet, they feel free to dissect as harshly and abruptly as they can.
Maybe that is slowly, but surely, breeding a kind of a generic beauty that we all feel obligated to abide by.
There could be made at this point in the conversation, an astute observation of how before the turn of the century woman were put in a somewhat similar situation style wise, made by the pressures of society-past to conform to "proper and decent decorum in both dress and manner".
Until those crazy, early wild child girls of the 20s and thirties came along and said a fashionable "f*ck you" and designers like Schiaparelli worked with the great artists of the day to push the envelope, allowing woman to become walking statements of belief, conviction and do it all through fashion. And we celebrate those same women now when we talk about the influence those brave woman had on our present day freedoms and style and trends.
Ooops hang on, wasn't that the theme of the Gala?
Thank goodness we all know that in fashion - there is always next season

Maybe it's just a reflection of our present day media scrutiny.
We live in an age where every time a girl steps out into public there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, lurkers, waiting to dissect every inch of what a girl chooses to wear and thanks to the anonymity of the internet, they feel free to dissect as harshly and abruptly as they can.
Maybe that is slowly, but surely, breeding a kind of a generic beauty that we all feel obligated to abide by.
There could be made at this point in the conversation, an astute observation of how before the turn of the century woman were put in a somewhat similar situation style wise, made by the pressures of society-past to conform to "proper and decent decorum in both dress and manner".
Until those crazy, early wild child girls of the 20s and thirties came along and said a fashionable "f*ck you" and designers like Schiaparelli worked with the great artists of the day to push the envelope, allowing woman to become walking statements of belief, conviction and do it all through fashion. And we celebrate those same women now when we talk about the influence those brave woman had on our present day freedoms and style and trends.
Ooops hang on, wasn't that the theme of the Gala?
Thank goodness we all know that in fashion - there is always next season
Get the Look - Rachel Zoe & Halston

I love these and am always on the look-out for great ones. You can get the look Rachel is rocking with a similar Halston coat dress I have listed on Shrimpton Couture right now. My version is in raspberry. I would love to see Rachel in this color too - wouldn't you?

Loves it!
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